Setting up local MySQL applications

MySQL databases

The MySQL database has a number of important settings that can be tweaked to change the setup. The most important of these is the dbname setting. By default, this is set to the following:

dbname: ['vladdb']

This will generate a single database called 'vladdb' on the provisioned box. This can be increased to any number of databases by adding more items to the configuration list.

dbname: ['vladdb', 'database2']

It should be noted that the first database in this list is always used as the default 'main' database. This database is used by Vlad when running certain automatic actions such as checking if databases have been populated with tables.

Automatic database dumps

When you halt or destroy a VM, Vlad will attempt to automatically export all databases to files within the vlad_aux/db_io/halt_destroy directory.

Importing databases

Database dumps can be automatically imported when the box is provisioned by using the db_import_up variable. By default this action is disabled. This functionality can be re-run in isolation (on a previously provisioned VM) using the mysql_import Ansible tag.

Connecting MySQL GUI apps

Sequel Pro (OS X)

Choose connection type "SSH" and complete the connection details as follows:

Name: Whatever you'd like to label this connection.

MySQL Host: value of boxipaddress variable

Username: value of dbuser variable

Password: value of mysql_root_password variable

Database: a single value of dbname variable

Port: value of mysql_port variable

SSH Host: value of boxipaddress variable

SSH User: "vagrant"

SSH Key: "~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key" (browse to this file by clicking the key icon)

MySQL Workbench

As above - the values go in the following dialog:

Vlad MySQL Workbench Settings