Example Vlad output

The following is the typical output generated from the Vagrant command vagrant up in a Vlad project. The actual output will vary depending on the settings selected in the settings file. You can see all of the output for your Vlad initialisation by looking at the ansible.log file that is generated by all Ansible runs on the Vagrant box.


$ vagrant up     
Bringing machine 'vlad' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> vlad: Running triggers before up...
==> vlad: Executing 'up' setup trigger
==> vlad: Executing command "ansible-playbook -i, --ask-sudo-pass /Users/user/Development/vlad/vlad/playbooks/local_up.yml --extra-vars "local_ip_address=""...
sudo password: 
==> vlad: Command output:
==> vlad: ---------------
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: PLAY [all] ******************************************************************** 
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: TASK: [fail msg="The system may not be provisioned according to the CMDB status."] *** 
==> vlad: skipping: []
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: TASK: [local actions | write local hosts.ini file] **************************** 
==> vlad: changed: []
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: TASK: [local actions | remove reference of host from local hosts file] ******** 
==> vlad: ok: []
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: TASK: [local actions | add reference of host to local hosts file] ************* 
==> vlad: changed: []
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: TASK: [local actions | add default identities from host to guest] ************* 
==> vlad: skipping: []
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: TASK: [local actions | add custom identity from host to guest] **************** 
==> vlad: skipping: []
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** 
==> vlad:            : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0   
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: ---------------
==> vlad: Importing base box 'vlad'...
==> vlad: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> vlad: Setting the name of the VM: vlad_vlad
==> vlad: Pruning invalid NFS exports. Administrator privileges will be required...
==> vlad: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> vlad: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
    vlad: Adapter 1: nat
    vlad: Adapter 2: hostonly
==> vlad: Forwarding ports...
    vlad: 22 => 2222 (adapter 1)
==> vlad: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations...
==> vlad: Booting VM...
==> vlad: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
    vlad: SSH address:
    vlad: SSH username: vagrant
    vlad: SSH auth method: private key
==> vlad: Machine booted and ready!
==> vlad: Checking for guest additions in VM...
    vlad: The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of
    vlad: VirtualBox! In most cases this is fine, but in rare cases it can
    vlad: prevent things such as shared folders from working properly. If you see
    vlad: shared folder errors, please make sure the guest additions within the
    vlad: virtual machine match the version of VirtualBox you have installed on
    vlad: your host and reload your VM.
    vlad: Guest Additions Version: 4.2.0
    vlad: VirtualBox Version: 4.3
==> vlad: Setting hostname...
==> vlad: Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
==> vlad: Exporting NFS shared folders...
==> vlad: Preparing to edit /etc/exports. Administrator privileges will be required...
==> vlad: Mounting NFS shared folders...
==> vlad: Mounting shared folders...
    vlad: /vagrant => /Users/user/Development/vlad
==> vlad: Configuring cache buckets...
==> vlad: Running provisioner: ansible...

PLAY [all] ******************************************************************** 

GATHERING FACTS *************************************************************** 
ok: [vlad]

TASK: [fail msg="The Apache setup you have selected will make the site inaccessable on port 80"] *** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [fail msg="PHP Version is invalid"] ************************************* 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [fail msg="Solr Drupal module is invalid"] ****************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [fail msg="Ruby is required to install Mailcatcher"] ******************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [base | apt-get | apt-get update and ensure core packages are installed] *** 
changed: [vlad] => (item=ssh-import-id,unzip,curl,atop,vim,git,make)

TASK: [base | Git | Add Git user.name config] ********************************* 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [base | Git | Add Git user.email config] ******************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [base | SSH Config | add ssh config file] ******************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [base | local actions | get local IPv4 address] ************************* 
ok: [vlad]

TASK: [base | local actions | remote IPv4 address debug] ********************** 
ok: [vlad] => {
    "ansible_eth1.ipv4.address": ""

TASK: [base | local actions | local IPv4 address debug] *********************** 
ok: [vlad] => {
    "local_ipv4_address.ansible_facts.ansible_default_ipv4.address": ""

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | install mysql packages] ******************************** 
changed: [vlad] => (item=mysql-client,mysql-common,mysql-server,python-mysqldb)

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | create MySQL configuration file] *********************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | change main settings for skip-external-locking] ******** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | change main settings for bind-address] ***************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | get iptables rules] ************************************ 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | add mysql to iptables] ********************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | Set the root password.] ******************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | Config for easy access as root user] ******************* 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | Config for easy access as root user] ******************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | Delete anonymous MySQL server user for vlad] *********** 
ok: [vlad]

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | Delete anonymous MySQL server user for localhost] ****** 
ok: [vlad]

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | Secure the MySQL root user for IPV6 localhost (::1)] *** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | Secure the MySQL root user for IPV4 localhost (] *** 
ok: [vlad]

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | Secure the MySQL root user for localhost domain (localhost)] *** 
ok: [vlad]

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | Secure the MySQL root user for vlad domain] ************ 
ok: [vlad]

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | Remove the MySQL test database] ************************ 
ok: [vlad]

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | create application database] *************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | create application database user] ********************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [mysql | MySQL | import database] *************************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | install php 5.4 prerequisite python packages] ************** 
changed: [vlad] => (item=python-pycurl,python-software-properties)

TASK: [php | PHP | add php 5.4 repository] ************************************ 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | install php packages] ************************************** 
changed: [vlad] => (item=php-apc,php-pear,php5,php5-cli,php5-common,php5-dev,php5-gd,php5-mysql,php5-xmlrpc,php-soap,php5-curl)

TASK: [php | PHP | change php apache2 memory_limit] *************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php cli memory_limit] ******************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php apache2 max_execution_time] ********************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php cli max_execution_time] ************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php apache2 post_max_size] ************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php cli post_max_size] ****************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php apache2 upload_max_filesize] ******************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php cli upload_max_filesize] ************************ 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php apache2 max_execution_time] ********************* 
ok: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php cli max_execution_time] ************************* 
ok: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php apache2 display_errors] ************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php cli display_errors] ***************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php apache2 display_startup_errors] ***************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php cli display_startup_errors] ********************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php apache2 html_errors] **************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php cli html_errors] ******************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php apache2 date_timezone] ************************** 
ok: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php cli date_timezone] ****************************** 
ok: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php apache2 date.timezone (php 5.4+)] *************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | change php cli date.timezone (php 5.4+)] ******************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | Change APC configuration file apc.ini] ********************* 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | Change APC configuration file apc.ini] ********************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | Install Composer] ****************************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | Add composer vendor directory to path] ********************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | don't expose php] ****************************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | Install PECL uploadprogress] ******************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PHP | add PECL uploadprogress apache php.ini setting] ************ 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PEAR | force upgrade of pear] ************************************ 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PEAR | upgrade all pear other packages] ************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | PEAR | clear pear cache] ***************************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Drush | install drush via composer] ****************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Drush | set drush to executable] ********************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Drush | link up the drush command so everyone can run it] ******** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Drush | run drush once as current user to finalise install] ****** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Drush | download the site audit module] ************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Drush | download the Coder module] ******************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Drush | clear drush cache] *************************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Drush | get latest version of Drush] ***************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Drush | set drush to executable] ********************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Drush | add drush-master alias to .bashrc file] ****************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Drush | run composer install in drush] *************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Drush | copy drush/Drupal 7 installation script] ***************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Drush | set drush/Drupal 7 installation script to executable] **** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Drush | copy drush/Drupal 8 installation script] ***************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Drush | set drush/Drupal 8 installation script to executable] **** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Phing | add phing pear channel] ********************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Phing | install phing] ******************************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Xdebug |  Install Xdebug PHP component] ************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Xdebug | Get first line of /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/xdebug.ini] *** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Xdebug | Update xdebug configuration file.] ********************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Xdebug | Get first line of /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/xdebug.ini] *** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [php | Xdebug | Update xdebug configuration file.] ********************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [apache | Apache | install apache2 packages] **************************** 
changed: [vlad] => (item=apache2,apache2-mpm-prefork,apache2-utils)

TASK: [apache | Apache | set up directories (with logs directory)] ************ 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [apache | Apache | disable default site] ******************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [apache | Apache | add custom configuration] **************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [apache | Apache | change port configuration] *************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [apache | Apache | add vhost] ******************************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [apache | Apache | add www-data user to dialout group] ****************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [apache | Apache | enable mod rewrite module] *************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [apache | Apache | symlink www directory from home directory] *********** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [apache | Apache | set default login directory to be /var/www/site/docroot] *** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [apache | Apache | add www-data user to dialout group] ****************** 
ok: [vlad]

TASK: [apache | Apache | enable ssl module] *********************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [apache | Apache | add vhost] ******************************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [adminer | Adminer | create adminer directory] ************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [adminer | Adminer | copy adminer] ************************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [adminer | Adminer | copy adminer stylesheet] *************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [adminer | Adminer | copy index.php configuration file into place] ****** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [adminer | Adminer | ensure adminer directory permissions] ************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [adminer | Apache | add vhost] ****************************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [xhprof | Xhprof | install prerequisites] ******************************* 
changed: [vlad] => (item=graphviz,gcc,make,python-mysqldb)

TASK: [xhprof | Xhprof | set pecl preferred state to beta] ******************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [xhprof | Xhprof | install xhprof] ************************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [xhprof | Xhprof | set pecl preferred state to stable] ****************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [xhprof | Xhprof | set pecl preferred state to beta] ******************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [xhprof | Xhprof | install xhprof] ************************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [xhprof | Xhprof | set pecl preferred state to stable] ****************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [xhprof | Xhprof | setup xhprof ini files] ****************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [xhprof | Xhprof | get xhprof_html package] ***************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [xhprof | Xhprof | create xhprof_html application database] ************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [xhprof | Xhprof | copy SQL install script] ***************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [xhprof | Xhprof | copy configuration file] ***************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [xhprof | Xhprof | run SQL install script] ****************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [xhprof | Xhprof | check virtual host for Xhprof include] *************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [xhprof | Xhprof | add virtual server item if include not found] ******** 
changed: [vlad] => (item=  php_value auto_prepend_file /var/www/xhprof_html/external/header.php)
changed: [vlad] => (item=</VirtualHost>)

TASK: [xhprof | Xhprof | add vhost] ******************************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [xhprof | Xhprof | ensure Xhprof directory permissions] ***************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [pimpmylog | Pimpmylog | get pimpmylog package] ************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [pimpmylog | Pimpmylog | add vhost] ************************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [pimpmylog | Pimpmylog | ensure Pimpmylog directory permissions] ******** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [pimpmylog | Pimpmylog | add configuration file] ************************ 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [varnish | Varnish | install varnish] *********************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [varnish | Varnish | add varnish vcl] *********************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [varnish | Varnish | add varnish config] ******************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [varnish | Varnish | force secret file] ********************************* 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [memcached | Memcached | Install packages] ****************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [memcached | Memcached | Config file] *********************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [memcached | Memcached | PECL Library install] ************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [memcached | Memcached | Config file for the PHP memcache extension] **** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [redis | Redis | Install redis] ***************************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [redis | Redis | set redis port] **************************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [sendmail | Sendmail | Install sendmail packages] *********************** 
changed: [vlad] => (item=sendmail)

TASK: [solr | Solr | install java and tomcat packages] ************************ 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | install java and tomcat packages] ************************ 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | setup the tomcat users file] ***************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | change port of tomcat server] **************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | ensure correct run level of tomcat] ********************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | force (re)start of tomcat6] ****************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | copy the tomcat6 users file] ***************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | get iptables rules] ************************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | add apache iptable rule] ********************************* 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | download apache commons logging] ************************* 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | extract apache commons logging] ************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | list commons-logging files (in order to copy)] *********** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | copy apache commons logging] ***************************** 
skipping: [vlad] => (item=commonsfiles.stdout_lines)

TASK: [solr | Solr | download SLF4J] ****************************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | extract SLF4J] ******************************************* 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | list slf4j files (in order to copy)] ********************* 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | copy SLF4J] ********************************************** 
skipping: [vlad] => (item=slf4jfiles.stdout_lines)

TASK: [solr | Solr | download Solr] ******************************************* 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | extract Solr] ******************************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | copy Solr war file] ************************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | list solr files (in order to copy)] ********************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | copy Solr instance] ************************************** 
skipping: [vlad] => (item=solrfiles.stdout_lines)

TASK: [solr | Solr | rename the collection1 directory to vlad] **************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | remove the collection1 collection if it is still there] *** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | change the name of the collection] *********************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | create a solr lib directory] ***************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | list all jar files that are part of solr (in order to copy)] *** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | copy solr lib files] ************************************* 
skipping: [vlad] => (item=solrjarfiles.stdout_lines)

TASK: [solr | Solr | force restart of tomcat6] ******************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | add WEB-INF directory] *********************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | copy the web.xml tomcat solr integration file] *********** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | copy the properties file] ******************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | make the vlad data directory] **************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | get Drupal solr integration] ***************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | copy Drupal Solr config into Solr] *********************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | copy Drupal Solr config into Solr] *********************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | get patch for solrconfig.xml file] *********************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | patch solrconfig.xml file] ******************************* 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | make the lib/contrib directory for the extension to live in] *** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | copy the needed class directories over] ****************** 
skipping: [vlad] => (item=analysis-extras)
skipping: [vlad] => (item=clustering)
skipping: [vlad] => (item=dataimporthandler)
skipping: [vlad] => (item=extraction)
skipping: [vlad] => (item=langid)
skipping: [vlad] => (item=uima)
skipping: [vlad] => (item=velocity)

TASK: [solr | Solr | ensure tomcat/Solr directory has correct owner] ********** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | fix contrib extraction error in solrconfig.xml file] ***** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [solr | Solr | fix contrib clustering error in solrconfig.xml file] ***** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [munin | Munin | install munin] ***************************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [munin | Munin | add munin node config] ********************************* 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [munin | Munin | get iptables rules] ************************************ 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [munin | Munin | add munin iptables] ************************************ 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [munin | Munin | add munin to startup] ********************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [ruby | Ruby | Install RVM (and suppress fail)] ************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [ruby | Ruby | Add RVM to bash profile] ********************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [ruby | Ruby | Update RubyGems via RVM] ********************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [mailcatcher | MailCatcher | install MailCatcher prerequisite packages] *** 
changed: [vlad] => (item=rubygems,libsqlite3-dev,ruby-dev)

TASK: [mailcatcher | MailCatcher | Install MailCatcher with RVM (part 1 of 2)] *** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [mailcatcher | MailCatcher | Install MailCatcher with RVM (part 2 of 2)] *** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [mailcatcher | MailCatcher | change php apache sendmail_path setting] *** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [mailcatcher | MailCatcher | change php cli sendmail_path setting] ****** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [mailcatcher | MailCatcher | kill mailcatcher (this is more reliable than using pkill with rvm)] *** 
failed: [vlad] => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["curl", "-s", "-i", "-v", "-X", "DELETE", ""], "delta": "0:00:00.006707", "end": "2014-07-30 10:11:47.620689", "rc": 7, "start": "2014-07-30 10:11:47.613982"}
stderr: * About to connect() to port 1080 (#0)
*   Trying Connection refused
* couldn't connect to host
* Closing connection #0

TASK: [mailcatcher | MailCatcher | run MailCatcher with no ip address restrictions] *** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [node | Node | Install dependencies] ************************************ 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [node | Node | Add up to date Node repository] ************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [node | Node | Install Node] ******************************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [node | Node | Set local node prefix] *********************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [node | Node | Set local node path in bash profile] ********************* 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [imagemagick | ImageMagick | Install ImageMagick] *********************** 
skipping: [vlad]

NOTIFIED: [mysql | restart mysql] ********************************************* 
changed: [vlad]

NOTIFIED: [restart apache2] *************************************************** 
changed: [vlad]

NOTIFIED: [save iptables] ***************************************************** 
changed: [vlad]

NOTIFIED: [restart iptables] ************************************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [Move default index.php file into docroot directory.] ******************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [Test | PHP is installed] *********************************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [Test | Composer is installed] ****************************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [Test | Drush is installed] ********************************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [Test | Apache is installed] ******************************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [Test | Vanish is installed] ******************************************** 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [Test | MySQL is installed] ********************************************* 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [Test | RVM is installed] *********************************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [Test | Ruby is installed] ********************************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [Test | MySQL is installed] ********************************************* 
skipping: [vlad]

TASK: [Test | test adminer is present] **************************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [Test | test xhprof is present] ***************************************** 
changed: [vlad]

TASK: [Test | test PimpMyLog is present] ************************************** 
changed: [vlad]

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** 
vlad                       : ok=142  changed=122  unreachable=0    failed=0   

==> vlad: Configuring cache buckets...
==> vlad: Running triggers after up...
==> vlad: Executing 'up' services trigger
==> vlad: Executing command "ansible-playbook /Users/user/Development/vlad/vlad/playbooks/local_up_services.yml"...
==> vlad: Command output:
==> vlad: ---------------
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: PLAY [all] ******************************************************************** 
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: TASK: [Ensure Varnish is running.] ******************************************** 
==> vlad: skipping: []
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: TASK: [Ensure Apache is running.] ********************************************* 
==> vlad: changed: []
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: TASK: [Ensure MySQL is running.] ********************************************** 
==> vlad: changed: []
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: TASK: [Ensure Redis is running.] ********************************************** 
==> vlad: skipping: []
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: TASK: [Ensure Tomcat is running.] ********************************************* 
==> vlad: skipping: []
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: TASK: [Ensure Munin Node is running] ****************************************** 
==> vlad: skipping: []
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: TASK: [MailCatcher | kill mailcatcher (this is more reliable than using pkill with rvm)] *** 
==> vlad: changed: []
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: TASK: [MailCatcher | run MailCatcher with no ip address restrictions] ********* 
==> vlad: changed: []
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** 
==> vlad:            : ok=4    changed=4    unreachable=0    failed=0   
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: 
==> vlad: ---------------