Setting up local MySQL applications

Below is a list of basic guides to setting up MySQL applications on your host box to communicate with databases located in your guest VMs.

Sequel Pro (OS X)

Choose connection type "SSH" and complete the connection details as follows:

Name: Whatever you'd like to label this connection.

MySQL Host: value of boxipaddress in settings file

Username: "root"

Password: value of mysql_root_password in settings file

Database: value of dbname in settings file (optional)

Port: value of mysql_port in settings file

SSH Host: value of boxipaddress in settings file

SSH User: "vagrant"

SSH Key: "~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key" (browse to this file by clicking the key icon)

MySQL Workbench

As above - the values go in the following dialog:

Vlad MySQL Workbench Settings